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Rounds® The donuts story.

Rounds are everywhere around you but the best place where will
find it is the donuts.

  • Solution Provided

    Consulting, Business Concept, Brand Naming, Brand Logotype, Brand Visuals, Illustrations, Packaging, Brand Guidelines.

Mark Construction

The mark is built using circles as a negative lines rounds on the first letter of the brand name which is the Rounds with a handwritten Rounds text in darker contrast color on the logotype

Day & Night Illustration

We’ve created an abstract illustration for the brand with a major theme concept of it the day and night. Inspired from the city chaos came from the most common usage of the coffee drinking coffee let you cross over the night and wakes you up or it makes you stay up till the next morning. and the shuffling inspired and evoked from the grinding process.

In the abstract illustration, there are some hidden messages each person will understand it depending on his mood.


Our illustration process began with sketches and rough concepts. Once the drafts were approved, we vectorized them.

Packaging Integration

Our illustration process began with sketches and rough concepts. Once the drafts were approved, we vectorized them.

Sences Cup

The brand has a different style of visual illustration on the cup itself it will be handled randomly to each client to make it look different on each service

Donut Holder

We’ve presented to the client a unique design to make the donut eating process cleaner and with less mess

Combo Holder

A cup holder with a hole to place the donuts in it to make the carrying the drink easier and fun.


Get In Touch

Republic S. 26/3
8Th Floor Room 800
Yerevan Armenia
+374 99 022224